Rudra Vaisnava Sampradaya:
Lord Krishna is without beginning, the complete abode and refuge of everything. The seat of creation and place of dissolution of all creation. The original source of all the demigods and every other kind of god. The knower of everything that is knowable and He comprises everything that is knowable including the highest abode and spiritual realms all pervasive everywhere. Owing to these seven reasons Lord Krishna alone is worthy of homage by all beings.
| Brahma Vaisnava Sampradaya:
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Sri Vaisnava Sampradaya:
What in the universe and all creation is not a part of the Supreme Lord Krishna. He is the knower of all that is known and knowable. He abides as the atma or eternal soul within all living entities. He is the highest goal yet He is beyond the highest goal. All existences past, present and future, sentient as well as insentient are impregnate with the Supreme Lord who resides within them as the eternal principle in the form of the atma. Hence all such terms as eternal, unlimited, imperishable, indestructible etc. refer to Him exclusively.
| Kumara Vaisnava Sampradaya:
The Supreme Lord Krishna is prime cause of all causes. The most ancient of all. The origin of all the demigods and every other kind of god. The ultimate refuge of creation and all universes because He is the visvarupa the divine universal form. He is the knower of everything and the goal of everything knowable. He is the highest abode known as the spiritual realms of Vaikuntha and He is beyond that. The whole manifest and unmanifest creation is pervaded by Him. Because of all these things Lord Krishna deserves glorification and salutations from everyone in all creation.