Rudra Vaisnava Sampradaya:
Lord Krishna has stated in verse thirty-four that one should not come under the influence of attraction and aversion. Arjuna considering this to be impossible poses this question as it is seen that a person who is able to restrain and control their senses through discrimination can at any moment revert back to committing sinful activities. So Arjuna is enquiring is about the main cause for such flagrant inconsistency in people.
| Brahma Vaisnava Sampradaya:
There exists numerous reasons why a person is impelled to sinful activities. Here the word atha denotes which others. Some are desire and anger. Arjuna wants to know which is the strongest impetus in provoking one to do unrighteous acts and which should by all means be avoided in order of priority. Now begins the summation. After the Supreme Lord the demi-gods are the most powerful mediums of influence. Now Arjuna wants to know what other influences are next in importance.
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Sri Vaisnava Sampradaya:
Arjuna wants to know from Lord Krishna exactly what ii is that forcibly impels a person embarking on the path of jnana yoga or the cultivation of Vedic wisdom to go against their better judgement and engage in sinful activities.
| Kumara Vaisnava Sampradaya:
By stating another’s duty is fraught with danger Lord Krishna was indicating that fear of hellish births wa the fear in question. Arjuna understood this; but now he is enquiring if there is another reason sins are committed. It is known that sins lead one to hell and no fear is greater then the fear of going to hellish regions; so what is it that compels beings to commit sins even against their better judgement as though driven by force.