Rudra Vaisnava Sampradaya:
Having humbly beseeched Lord Krishna for full forgiveness, Arjuna now reveals his heart in this verse and the next explaining that by seeing the visvarupa or divine universal form, that had never been seen before and which possesses unlimited grandeur and power he was ovejoyed and thrilled but at the same time his mind was agitated and disturbed by the fearful aspect of it. Feeling trepidation Arjuna requests Lord Krishna to please revert back to the human looking form of his friend that he is accustomed to always seeing.
| Brahma Vaisnava Sampradaya:
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Sri Vaisnava Sampradaya:
Beholding the phenomenal but terrifying form of Lord Krishna's visvarupa or divine universal form, fully satisfied the curiosity of Arjuna but his mind was filled with fear. So he humbly requests Lord Krishna with salutary exclamations of devasa jagan-nivasa meaning O Lord of lords, O refuge of creation. The word prasida means to please be magnanimous and transform Himself back into that benign form he was accustomed to see.
| Kumara Vaisnava Sampradaya:
After humbly beseeching forgiveness for any past indiscretions he may have incurred and observing that Lord Krishna was not displeased, Arjuna confesses that although the visvarupa or divine universal form was wonderful to behold the terrifying aspect of it caused him to be fearful and agitated. So he requests Lord Krishna to revert back to the form by which he is familiar with to placate his mind and raise his spirits.