Rudra Vaisnava Sampradaya:
The three fold nature of sraddha or faith can be determined by a jivas or embodied beings mode of worship. Those situated in sattva guna the mode of goodness worship the Supreme Lord Krishna and His authorised incarnations. Those situated in raja guna the mode of passion pay homage to demoniac entities for power, wealth, fame and pleasure. Those situated in tama guna the mode of ignorance pray to abstract gods with vague qualities as well as to ghosts and spirits. Thus by their actions their position and quality of faith can be clearly discerned.
| Brahma Vaisnava Sampradaya:
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Sri Vaisnava Sampradaya:
Those who are imbued with sattva guna the mode of goodness become attracted to activities in purity and goodness and they are devoted to worshipping the Supreme Lord with full faith, concerned only with the transcendental bliss derived from bhakti or exclusive loving devotion unto the Supreme Lord Krishna which is completely transcendental to material existence and untainted by darkness and suffering. Those in raja guna or mode of passion offer diabolical rituals to demoniac entities from the physical and astral realms to gain pleasure, power, wealth and fame. The results are bitter sweet when succeeding and bitterly painful when failing because one has to give something physical in return such as the death of a family member or one's health. Those in tama guna or mode of ignorance pay homage to the ghosts and spirits which give no joy and is filled with pain and anguish. The results of these three gunas or modes of material nature are determined directly by whichever one is situated in along with the quality of the faith in which the worshipper is performing even if it is in accordance with the Vedic scriptures. Lord Krishna has categorically emphasised and declared that not even the most miniscule modicum of happiness is derived from any activity which is contrary and opposed to the Vedic scriptures; which embody all that is for the highest good for all. Those who are inimical to the Vedic scriptures which benefit all creation are evil and possess a demoniac nature.
| Kumara Vaisnava Sampradaya:
Lord Krishna is stating that the position and status of all jivas or embodied beings and their category can be determined by understanding their sraddha or faith. The three kinds of sraddha can be observed and specifically categorised from indicatory signs in the form of their mode of worship, whom they worship, whether or not the worship is abstract or finites, etc. Those endowed with a preponderance of sattva guna or mode of goodness worship the Supreme Lord and their faith is saturated with goodness. Those possessed with a preponderance of raja guna or mode of passion pay homage to demoniac entities for power and dominion and their faith is saturated with passion. Those possessed with a preponderance of tama guna or the mode of ignorance pray to ghosts and spirits and their faith is saturated with ignorance.